Located in the north of Paris, Sorbonne Paris Nord University is a multidisciplinary university with 23 000 students spread across several campuses. In collaboration with the CNRS, it plays a key role in the development of the “Grand Paris Académique” owing to its academic partnerships (COMUe USPC, the future University of Paris that was awarded the IDEX Initiative of Excellence certification), its partnerships with the Île-de-France Region, the Plaine Commune Grand Paris and the EPA Plaine de France, while being a founding member, with the CNRS, of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme and of the Campus Condorcet, the future research hub in humanities and social sciences in Paris. Sorbonne Paris Nord University is a major research center of excellence thanks to its 29 laboratories, its federative structures and institutional partners (CNRS, Inserm, EHESS). Its achievements regarding calls for initiative of excellence projects (Labex, Equipex) and the high quality of its laboratories (see HCERES 2018 evaluation) make it possible to develop interdisciplinary and disciplinary networks both nationally and internationally.
The internal structure of the two Erasmus and Galileo doctoral schools of Sorbonne Paris Nord University and of the master courses is therefore redesigned to increase the visibility of our research internationally, and to attract a lot of high-level international students. To increase the visibility of its excellent research laboratories, Sorbonne Paris Nord University has made a major effort regarding research federations and its laboratories. For example, a new building entirely dedicated to research in Mathematics and Computer Science will be constructed in 2021, thus contributing to the visibility of these excellence centers and Sorbonne Paris Nord University.

M&CS Graduate School
The M&CS Graduate School is designed as an international, 5-year, high-level curriculum built upon the three local masters: Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering and Innovation in Images and Networks, whose classes cover largely the considered scientific perimeter. Regarding research, three laboratories of the Sorbonne Paris Nord University actively participate in this graduate school: LAGA – the laboratory of Mathematics -, LIPN – the laboratory of Computer Science -, L2TI – the laboratory for Visual Information and Network Analysis and Processing. These laboratories form the MathSTIC Research Federation that supports and encourages their interdisciplinary research. These laboratories, which bring together more than 170 professors and full-time researchers, correspond to the perimeter of the “Mathematics and Computer Science” group of the Galileo School of Doctoral Studies (Ecole Doctorale Galilée). The interactions and complementarity of Mathematics and Computer Science are highlighted in the graduate school to promote interdisciplinary teaching and research.
The last decade has seen a considerable increase in the need for skills in domains combining both Mathematics and Computer Science: Big Data, Quantum Computation, Machine Learning, Continuous and Discrete 0ptimization, Complexity Theory and Visual Computing. Students enrolled in this graduate school will have the opportunity to attend classes from different masters, supplemented by specific classes. Students of the EUR school program will be in close contact with current research through internships within the partner laboratories, and participation in seminars and conferences organised locally, doing short internships in the laboratories, and working on open problems. Finally, industrial partners will also be associated with the program through conferences, internships, CIFRE PhD contracts.These relations are based on collaborations that the laboratories develop with numerous companies and with the regional competitiveness clusters in connection with the digital ecosystem.